Environment and Land. At the SDG 18 launch on September 8, which was attended by high-ranking Lao officials and the UN Resident Coordinator, representatives of UN agencies and donor representatives, a renewed commitment was expressed for a future safe from UXO in the Lao PDR, and for dignified lives for all UXO survivors, many of whom have life-long needs. SDG 1 No poverty; SDG 2 Zero Hunger; SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being; SDG 4 Quality Education; SDG 5 Gender equality; SDG 15 Life on land; SDG 18 Lives Safe from UXO; Topics. Find out how you can help below. The adolescent birth rate as an example, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic has a value of 11%, meaning it has performed at 11% of the best-performing country. Remarks at launch of SDG 18 for the Lao PDR Your Excellency, Mr. Tongloun Sisoulith, Prime Minister of the Lao PDR, Your Excellency, Mr. Saleumxay Kommasith, Minister of Foreign Affairs, To get attention of the UN, we need your expertise and help. SDG 4.c.1 Proportion of Teachers With the Minimum Required Qualifications, by Education Level 53 Goal 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls 57 19. Environment and Land. The “SDG 18 – SPACE FOR ALL” initiative has the goal that another SDG, focusing on space, will be implemented in the very near future and that space is recognised on a global agenda. For all SDG indicators, rescaled values range from 0 to 100, therefore three equal bands have been used. SDG 5.3.1 Proportion of Women Aged 20-24 Years Who Were Married or in a Union Before Age 15 and Before Age 18 58 20. In September 2016, Lao PDR has adopted its own additional SDG 18 called “Lives Safe fromUnexploded Ordnance (UXO)”. Essential information on COVID-19 in Laos; 9 Tips to Stay Safe in the Age of COVID-19; Home; SDGs. 18. SDG 18 is the newest addition to a set of 17 globally agreed goals which form the core of a new sustainable development agenda that came into effect at the beginning of the year, according to press release from the United Nations in the Lao PDR. SDG 5.5.1 Proportion of Seats Held by Women in National Essential information on COVID-19 in Laos; 9 Tips to Stay Safe in the Age of COVID-19; Home; SDGs. Lao PDR has also added an additional SDG 18: Lives safe from UXO (unexploded ordnance) and corresponding indicators. Share this: Post navigation. Of the total 238 indicators, 71 indicators have been mainstreamed into the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of 8 th NSEDP. Bombs dropped during the Indochina War (1964 1973) madeLao PDR the most heavily bombed country in terms of bombs dropped per capita.Given the impacts of UXOs contamination, SDG 18 is one of Lao PDR’s top priority goals. SDG 1 No poverty; SDG 2 Zero Hunger; SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being; SDG 4 Quality Education; SDG 5 Gender equality; SDG 15 Life on land; SDG 18 Lives Safe from UXO; Topics. As a first step in implementing SDG 18, the Lao government is planning to carry out a comprehensive national survey of UXO contamination, which … Posted on 15/11/2019 16/04/2020 by IMartin. SDG 18.
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