The VAAC noted that PVMBG reported an ash plume that rose to an altitude of 5.5 km (18,000 ft) a.s.l. During 12-14 February pyroclastic flows traveled as far as 2 km down the E and SE flanks. Additional information comes from satellite instruments and local observers. On 4 February the number of displaced people reached 31,739 (9,915 families) in 42 evacuation centers, many from outside of the exclusion zone. Data were primarily drawn from reports issued by the Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known as Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation) and the Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC). The Alert Level remained at 4 (on a scale of 1-4), with an exclusion zone of 7 km from the volcano on the SSE sector, and 6 km in the ESE sector, and 4 km in the NNE sector. According to a news article posted on 12 November, more than 5,000 people from seven villages had evacuated their homes in recent days. Dense white plumes rose as high as 1 km above them summit during 28 January-2 February. The number of low-frequency earthquakes dropped dramatically, however. Only the areas remaining off limits were within 3 km radius (eg., Sukameriah) and the SE sector village Berastapu (figure 8). According to the Darwin VAAC, ash plumes that were identified in satellite images, recorded by webcams, and reported by PVMBG continued to rise throughout the day to 13.7 km (45,000 ft) a.s.l. Emissions on 11 and 12 August were white and gray and rose 100-200 m. Multiple explosions on 13 August produced white and gray ash plumes that rose 1,000-2,000 m above the summit. White plumes rose at most 1 km above the crater, and lava flows on the flanks were incandescent as far as 2 km S and SE. ash plume. and drifted less than 20 km SW. According to the Jakarta Post, ash reached the community of Berastagi (15 km E) along with the districts of Naman Teran (5-10 km NE), Merdeka (15 km NE), and Dolat Rayat (20 km E). That was Sinabung's first confirmed Holocene eruption (although there was an unconfirmed eruption in 1881). At 2252 an ash plume rose 1 km and drifted SW. At 0704 on 18 November an explosion generated an ash plume that rose 8 km and drifted SW. A pyroclastic flow also traveled 800 m down the SE flank.On 19 November at 2155 a dense ash plume rose 10 km, drifted SW, and exhibited lightning. Abbreviations: pyroclastic flow, PF; Aviation Color Code, ACC; earthquake(s), EQ(s); maximum amplitude, max. On 10 April BNPB reported that the eruption at Sinabung has not shown any signs of ceasing since the onset of activity in September 2013. 135 (1-2), 29-49; DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2003.12.008. PVMBG reported that, during 21-28 December 2015, as many as 21 hot avalanches and pyroclastic flows traveled 0.7-1.5 km ESE, producing ash plumes that rose 1 km. Based on satellite images, ground reports, and information from PVMBG, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 16-19 and 21-22 March ash plumes from Sinabung rose to altitudes of 2.7-4.9 km (9,000-16,000 ft) a.s.l. Ashfall from hundreds of pyroclastic flows in January 2014 covered communities in the region. A thick black plume erupted up to 3 km above the crater and drifted E. An eruption on the same day during the hours 1759 to 1801 also caused a roaring sound and weak vibrations that were felt up to 8 km away. and drifted NW. Ash plume heights ranged from 500 to 3,600 m above the summit. Some of those pyroclastic-flow deposits appear outboard and below the lavas at the bottom of figure 9. The depression on the SE side of the volcano was mostly been filled by the lava flow, prompting concerns that pyroclastic flows lacked confinement and might take other paths to the S or E. February 2014. and drifted NW, W, and SW. Data were primarily drawn from reports issued by the Indonesian Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG, CVGHM), the Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC), and the Badan Nacional Penanggulangan Bencana (National Disaster Management Authority, BNPB). They moved down the SE and S flanks up to 2,500 m. PVMBG reported 105 explosive events with plume heights ranging from 500-4,000 m above the summit (figure 34). Pyroclastic flows traveled 2-3 km down the E and SE flanks on 11 March. Summary of activity during October 2016-September 2017. The height of a corresponding ash plume could not be determined because it rose into the cloud cover. Courtesy of Agus Budianto (affiliation listed in Information contacts). As many as 21 hot avalanches and pyroclastic flows traveled 0.7-1.5 km ESE, producing ash plumes that rose 1 km. Dome growth and vigorous related dynamics in January were documented on the Photovolcanica (2014) web site. Based on information from PVMBG, satellite images, and ground reports, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 25 and 27-28 December ash plume from Sinabung rose to altitudes of 3.4-4 km (11,000-13,000 ft) a.s.l. Although an elevated thermal signature was detected in Sentinel-2 satellite data on 30 August 2018, there were no reports of renewed activity. The Alert Level remained at 4 (on a scale of 1-4), with a general exclusion zone of 3 km and extensions of 7 km on the SSE sector, 6 km in the ESE sector, and 4 km in the NNE sector. | November and drifted over 35 km NW. An ash plume drifting SW at an altitude of 3 km (10,000 ft) a.s.l. Based on PVMBG observations, satellite images, and wind data, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 14-17 and 19 June ash plumes from Sinabung rose 3-6.4 km (10,000-21,000 ft) a.s.l. The Darwin VAAC issued reports on 24 days during July. Evaluation of Volcanic Activity at Sinabung Volcano, After More Than 400 Years of Quiet. PVMBG and BNPB reported that an eruption at Sinabung at 0641 on 7 May generated a dense ash plume that rose 2 km above the crater rim and drifted SW [correction: the plume drifted SE], causing the sky to turn dark in some areas. Sulfur dioxide emissions varied between 300 and 598 tons per day. Avalanche blocks were ejected daily down the E and S flanks from 500-3,500 m, and multiple pyroclastic flows each month traveled between 1,000 and 4,600 m down the SE flank. Explosive activity decreased substantially during September 2020. Pyroclastic flows were observed several times during November (figure 28), and a hotspot was visible in satellite imagery on 30 December. Our previous report on Sinabung (BGVN 36:03) discussed the decreased activity following the 27 August-September 2010 eruption (BGVN 35:07). Information Contacts: Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia (URL:; Camera:; Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC), Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional Office, PO Box 40050, Casuarina, NT 0811, Australia (URL:; Associated Press; Daily Mail; Jakarta Post; CNN. It is located in a relatively cool area on a fertile plateau with mountains bounding the north. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho of BNPB reported that the 12 May eruption was accompanied by incandescent lava and ash, and the explosion was heard in Rendang (figure 69). During 8-11 September observers saw white-to-gray plumes rising 30-100 m above the crater and generally drifting E. Deformation measurements during 8-14 September showed a slow rate of inflation. At 2252 an ash plume rose 1 km and drifted SW. At 0704 on 18 November an explosion generated an ash plume that rose 8 km and drifted SW. A pyroclastic flow also traveled 800 m down the SE flank. The image of 6 February 2014 (figure 15) revealed that pyroclastic flows had gone ~4 km from the summit of Sinabung. | April PVMBG reported that the explosions of 2 August destroyed the lava dome at the summit, which had grown since April 2017 to about 2.3 million m3 in size before the explosion (figure 39). Information Contacts: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known as Indonesian Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, CVGHM), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia (URL:; Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC), Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional Office, PO Box 40050, Casuarina, NT 0811, Australia (URL:; Badan Nacional Penanggulangan Bencana (National Disaster Management Authority, BNPB) (URL:; Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) MODVOLC Thermal Alerts System, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), Univ. (about 1 km above the summit) and drifted SW. On 1 March avalanches of material descended the E, SE, and S flanks as far as 1.3 km. Owing to these recent decreases in the intensity of activity, on 10 April authorities decreased the alert status from the Level 4 to 3 (on a scale of 1-4). and drifted as far as 65 km WSW, W, WNW, and NW. Sinabung is an elongated stratovolcano in the Karo plateau of northern Sumatra, Indonesia, ~80 km NNW of Toba. On 19 November the webcam recorded an ash plume that rose to an altitude of 4.6 km over the crater. On 24 October an explosion at 0550 generated an ash plume that rose 3 km and caused ashfall in areas S. Another explosion was detected at 0612. On 10 October satellite images and the webcam detected an ash plume drifting 55 km NE. Based on PVMBG observations, satellite data, and wind data, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 22, 24-25, and 27 March ash plumes from Sinabung rose to altitudes of 3.3-4.3 km (11,000-14,000 ft) a.s.l. Based on PVMBG observations, satellite images, and wind data, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 26-30 April and 2 May ash plumes from Sinabung rose to altitudes of 3.3-4.6 km (11,000-15,000 ft) a.s.l. As of late May, over 9,000 people were still displaced from the volcano, living in either shelters or evacuation camps, according to BNPB. During 12-13 January ash plumes rose to an altitude of 4.6 km (15,000 ft) a.s.l. | September Two lahars were reported on 7 September, and one each on 11 and 30 September. PVMBG reported that during 2-9 September foggy weather sometimes prevented visual observations of Sinabung and the growing lava dome in the summit crater. A swarm of deep volcanic earthquakes was reported by PVMBG on 7 August 2020. Seismicity increased. On 23 November an ash plume rose to an altitude of 3 km (10,000 ft) a.s.l. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-4), with a general exclusion zone of 3 km and extensions to 5 km on the SE sector and 4 km in the NE sector. The Alert Level remained at 4 (on a scale of 1-4), with a general exclusion zone of 3 km and extensions to 7 km on the SSE sector, 6 km in the ESE sector, and 4 km in the NNE sector. Evaluation of Volcanic Activity at Sinabung Volcano, After More Than 400 Years of Quiet. By mid-October the volcano was degassing almost daily with small phreatic eruptions. Incandescent material originating from the edges of the lava dome and flow traveled up to 1.5 km S and 200 m SE. Visitors and tourists were prohibited from approaching the crater within a radius of 5 km. After pyroclastic flows descended the flanks on 2 April, a new lava flow from the growing dome formed near the crater and traveled 170 m SSE. Based on satellite images, model data, and ground reports from PVMBG, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 17 and 21-22 August ash plumes from Sinabung rose to an altitude of 4 km (13,000 ft) a.s.l. Carl, 2014 (6 January), The Road to Sinabung, VolcanoCafe (URL: Strong vibrations caused by the explosion were detected as far away as ~ 8 km SE. PVMBG reported that white plumes rose as high as 700 m above Sinabung’s crater rim during 13-21 May. Steam plumes were higher during November 2017, rising 2,400 m above the summit. This compilation of synonyms and subsidiary features may not be comprehensive. The dome had grown to an estimated volume of 2.3 million cubic meters. Lava flow associated with dome growth. At 1604 on [19] April an event produced an ash plume that rose 3 km and pyroclastic flows that traveled 1 km down the E, SE, W, and NW flanks. Date and time of Sinabung explosive eruptions reported by CVGHM as of 22 September 2010. Throughout June small diffuse gas-and-ash plumes continued (figures 62 and 63). During this reporting interval, lava flows advanced in the sector S- SE from the summit (figure 20). Based on PVMBG observations, satellite and webcam images, and wind data, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 2-7 February ash plumes from Sinabung rose to altitudes as high as 7.3 km (24,000 ft) a.s.l. Pyroclastic flows traveled 2-4 km down the flanks and ash plumes rose as high as 3 km. Collapsing parts of the lava dome generated block-and-ash flows as well as pyroclastic flows which traveled as far as 3.5 km down the SE flank. and drifted 55 km SE. and drifted in multiple directions. and drifted 65 km W. Four hours later satellite images showed ash plumes at an altitude of 9.1 km (30,000 ft) a.s.l. Pyroclastic flows traveled 2-4 km down the flanks and ash plumes rose as high as 3 km. Use to categorize volcanoes explosion were detected but not visually observed, daily. 2,727 people ( 3,150 families ) remained displaced analyzed using the MODVOLC algorithm, were detected InSAR. Over 30 years ago, but misty conditions prevented visual confirmation 12 flows... That ash had fallen at the bottom of figure 9 flow at Sinabung from May-October 2016 ; fatalities! 42 minutes and 49 seconds according to a news article stated that 2,986 people from Sukanalu village ordered... 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